Gracie Guy, BS
Education: BS, Psychology, Angelo State University Research Interests: Gracie is a first-year graduate student in the Social, Personality, and Health Psychology program. Her current interests are religion, moral attitudes, mental health, and intergroup relations. Personal Interests: Reading, art, hiking |
Nicole Hall, MA
Background: MA, Psychology, University of Houston BA, Psychology, Westminster College Research Interests: Nicole is currently a fourth-year in the Social, Personality, and Health Psychology program. Broadly, her research interests include the intersection between morality and health. She is interested in how constructs like moral injury develop after traumatic events (e.g., intimate partner violence, occupational-related trauma) and influence mental health and risky behaviors. She is also interested in gender roles and stereotypes, double standards, and women's health issues. Current Research Projects: Moral Injury in College Students (MINCS), Women and Negative Drinking Evaluations Research (WONDER) Personal Interests: Aerial acrobatics, weight-lifting, reading, skydiving, college football games Research Profiles: Research Gate: Google Scholar: NCBI: |
Andrew Weinstein, MA Background: MA, Psychology, University of Houston BS, Political Science, State University of New York Brockport BS, Psychology, University of New Mexico AS, Criminal Justice, Jamestown Community College Research Interests: Andrew is currently a sixth-year doctoral student in the social psychology doctoral program at the University of Houston. His research interests focus on understanding cannabis use, the social norms of cannabis use among diverse populations, and motivations for and against cannabis use in order to develop brief interventions to reduce cannabis-related harms. Research Gate: |
Dongjie Wu, MA
Background: MA, Psychology, University of Houston BS, Guangzhou University Research Interests: Dongjie is a fifth-year graduate student minoring in Psychological Statistics and Data Analysis. Her research interests focus on alcohol use, social cognition, and health psychology. She teaches Intro to psychology, Intro to research method in psychology, Social psychology and Intro to psychological statistic classes. Personal Interests: Watching panda livestreams, sleeping |